Hee Sun Jackie Kim, Ph.D.
Dr. Hee Sun Jackie kim is passionate about counseling, coaching and Christian ministry. She has worked as an educator, psychotherapist, and counselor in clinical, non-profit, and church settings for over two decades. Trained in various psychotherapy, counseling and art therapy modalities with a theology background, her professional expertise includes faith integration, counseling, coaching, art therapy, parent education, counseling education, Christian education, and violence prevention.
International Coaching Federation(ICF), Co-Active PCC Trainee
Ph.D., Union Institute & University, Cincinnati, OH: Interdisciplinary Arts- PsychoTherapy
MPA, Nyack Alliance Theological Seminary, New York, NY: Urban Ministries Concentration in Counseling
MA, University of Wisconsin, Superior, WI: Art Therapy
MA completed, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea: Art Education
BA, Dong Guk University, Seoul, South Korea: Studio Arts
International Coaching Federation(ICF), Co-Active PCC Trainee
Ph.D., Union Institute & University, Cincinnati, OH: Interdisciplinary Arts- PsychoTherapy
MPA, Nyack Alliance Theological Seminary, New York, NY: Urban Ministries Concentration in Counseling
MA, University of Wisconsin, Superior, WI: Art Therapy
MA completed, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea: Art Education
BA, Dong Guk University, Seoul, South Korea: Studio Arts
2023 Singapore Korean Presbyterian Church (나눔과 섬김교회), ‘Mother, Gratitude,’Singapore
2023 Youth With A Mission (YWAM) ACTS NJ, Virtual Restores Counseling School- “Wheel of Life”
2022 Youth With A Mission (YWAM) ACTS NJ, Virtual Restores Counseling School-“Anger Management,”
“Inner Child.”
2022 NY Pilar Church, Parents & Teachers’ Seminar, “Biblical Parenting Coaching: How
to Create a Plan for Family Worship.” Queens, NY
2021 Revive The New England Wave (ReNEW) Virtual Conference, “Biblical Parenting:
Why Eye Level Matters in Positive Parenting.”
2021 Canada Christian College, ‘Counseling Principle And Methods”
2021 New England Korean Church Association, New England Korean Pastors society,
ReNew & Arise, Virtual Seminar, “Biblical Parenting Coaching to Prevent Media
Addiction for the Next Generation”
2021 Stepping Stone Leadership Academy, “Healthy Leadership,” “Biblical Counseling” Hackensack, NJ
2021 NJ Silver Retreat (에녹회), “Self-Care and Horticulture Therapy Workshop” Cream Ridge, NJ
2021 Pilgrim Mission Church (PMC), How to Prevent Media Violence & Addiction,” Hackensack, NJ
2021 Boston Evangelical Church, Virtual Seminar, “Sexuality and Our Faith”
2021 NY Pillar Church, Teachers’ Virtual Seminar, “Children and Youth Ministry After COVID-19”
2021 Youth With A Mission (YWAM) ACTS NJ, Virtual Restores Counseling School - “Anger Control”
2020 Sandol Church, Parenting Seminar, “Why Eye Level Matters in Positive Parenting,” Pine Brook, NJ
2020 Korean Community Center (KCC), Virtual Seminar, “Self-Care and Coping with COVID-19
2020 Family Touch, Virtual Seminar, “Domestic Violence/Sexual violence Safety Planning for Hotline Dispatchers,” Teaneck, NJ
2020 Pilgrim Mission Church, Virtual Seminar for Pastors, “Crisis Counseling during Pandemic”
2019 Korean Community Center (KCC), Staff Training, ‘Domestic Violence and Safety Planning,’ Tenafly, NJ
2019 Korean American Family Service Center (KAFSC), Volunteer/Hotline Dispatcher Training, Flushing, NY
2019 Youth With A Mission (YWAM) ACTS NJ, Restores Counseling School- “Seed of Self,” Leonia, NJ
2018 NaSum (서울나눔과 섬김의 교회) Church, Summer Retreat- “Oneness with God restored,” Shin-Cheon,
South Korea
2015 - to date Revive The New England Wave (ReNEW) Conference, “What grows after a forest fire in our Christian journey?, “Biblical Sexuality within Biblical world view,” “Removing the masks in relationships,” “Biblical principles on godly communication,” “Learned helplessness,” ”Mentoring for young women
leaders,” “Witness to the Gospel,” “The Bible and emotions, ”Leah under heavy veil,” “ Sexuality and Our Faith,” Framingham, MA
2015 Young professional Chinese Missionary Discipleship training, “The varieties of Religious Therapy: Secular Humanism,” Hangzhou, China
2013 Family Touch, “Why am I depressed?- Senior Forum”, Leonia, NJ
2013 Family Touch, “Counselor Supervision Panel,” Leonia, NJ
2012 - 2016 Canada Christian College, “Theory and Ministry in Christian Counseling,” “Theory and Practice in Psychotherapy,” “Pastoral Counseling with non-verbal approaches,” “Crisis Intervention and Conflict Intervention,” “Practice Clinical Counseling and Case Studies,” Teaneck, NJ
2007 - 2010 Adler Graduate School, “Multicultural Issues in Art-Psychotherapy,” Richfield, MN
2007 Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, “The Effectiveness of the Applied Multi-Sensory Stimulation (AMSS) Therapy Model for Dementia in Health Care: Development of the Tailored Complementary Therapy Model with a Social Implication”, Honolulu, HI
2007 Come to Your Senses; Opening the Sensory World to Children and Adults with Complex Disabilities, “Using Arts as a Therapeutic Clinical Modality to Meet Sensory Needs”, Toronto, Canada
2006 American Art Therapy Association 37th Annual Conference, “Applied Multi-Sensory Stimulation (AMSS) therapy,” New Orleans, LA
2005 WonKwang University, Bricolage workshop, “Inuksuk,” Gwa Cheon, South Korea
2004 Union University & Institute, Art therapy workshop, “Multi-Sensory Stimulation,” Santa Fe, NM
2003 Minnesota Art Therapists’ Organization, Art therapy workshop, “Healing Powers of Art,” Minneapolis, MN
2021 Living the Life Episode 14: Healthy Parents-Children Relationships,
2021 Living the Life Episode 13: Healthy Marriage Relationships,
2021 Living the Life Episode 12: Laughing Virus for a Happy Family,
2019 Family Touch, Learned Helpfulness, January, 2019, p.22
2013 Family Touch, Healthy Inner Child, January 2013, p.9.
2004 Ansan City Newspaper, Ansan Times, weekly art therapy column(1yr.).
2004 Ebenezer campus newsletter, Reflections, June 2004, p.5
2004 Ebenezer newspaper. Insideview, May 2004, Vol. 2 No. 5, p.7
2002 Ebenezer campus newspaper. February 2002, Hi Lites, vol. 11, (I), p.5
Founder/Coach/Counselor, Elim counseling coaching Center, Singapore
Director of Education, Steppingstone Leadership Academy, NJ, United States
Counselor, Korean American Family Service Center(KAFSC), NYC, United States
Counseling Pastor, Riverside Community Church, NJ, United States
Psychotherapist/Art Therapist, Detoxification Unit, Mary Immaculate Hospital, NYC, United States
Art Therapist,Dementia Unit, Ebenezer Luther Care Center, MN, United States
Adjunct Professor, Adler Graduate School, MN, United States
Visiting Professor, Myongji University, S.Korea
Art Therapist Intern, Struthers Parkinson’s Center, Park Methodist Nicollet Hospital, MN, United states
Member of the Board Advisor, Lifeline, Singapore
Member Board of Directors, New Jersey United Christian Academy, NJ, United States